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Writer's pictureCheryl Kane

The Unexpected Journey of the Soulpreneur

Does this sound familiar? One day you had what I have come to call The Rude Awakening. Things in your life had reached a critical point and you had a moment when you realized that whatever it is you

were doing or whatever task that you were currently on was not what you were born on this planet to do. Perhaps in that moment you also remembered who you are and your path became clear. Maybe that moment didn’t come to you until much later. (It wasn't until a year later that I remembered who I was.) Whichever the case may be, at some point you made that crucial decision to answer the to Spirit.

There is something intrinsically liberating when we shut out all the noise of society, the noise of our family, the noise of our tribe, and finally hear the calling of our heart. In that moment we are exhilarated, we’re excited, and our soul just says yes! And so, in that moment, you took the first step back towards yourself; because you have to look inward in order to figure out who you are here to help, what you are meant to help them with, and how you are meant to help them. Your heart is calling you home. And so begins what I call the Unexpected Journey of the Soulpreneur.

The Healing Journey

In the first class of my Warrior Goddess Facilitator certification, my mentor HeatherAsh Amara, shared a very important nugget of wisdom. She said that if you are being called to sacred leadership, then stepping into sacred leadership is your healing journey. I remember very clearly how, in that moment when she said that, my thought was instantly “how beautiful is that?!”. There was a clicking of my mind and my soul and I became even more excited. In my naivete, I managed to interpret her words as meaning I was somehow "that much further along" in whatever path I was on.

What I didn’t understand until much later was that sacred leadership IS the healing journey!

I'll share with you an important and helpful perspective; also from my mentor HeatherAsh. The Universe or Spirit -- whatever word or name you call it — is not capricious. The Universe and Spirit are here to support you in fulfilling your purpose. In that moment, when you answered the call to Spirit, the universe says ”YAY!, now here’s all the stuff that no longer serves you and needs to be cleared so you can live your purpose.” This "stuff" is your false beliefs and the structures that hold them firmly into place. It's your tangled stories that are woven into the very fabric of your being, operating just beneath the surface and keeping you "safe". Clearing them out is a messy bit of business! The false beliefs and their power structures served a very important purpose when you were growing up: they were placed there to keep you safe. And the rational mind, or Ego as psychologist Carl Jung defined it, clings desperately to the uprights and crossbars.

Letting go of them is the journey of a lifetime. I promise you the journey is worth it!

Most of us live trapped in structures that are not in alignment with who we are. Much of our suffering over the course of our lives stems from living from the outside in. Choices are made based on what we think we're supposed to do, or who we think we're supposed to be. The soulpreneur journey flips that around and guides you back home to who you truly are; free of plaguing self-doubt, self-criticism, and comparing yourself to some imaginary version of who you think you're supposed to be. Free to be the woman you are meant to be.

If you're a woman soulpreneur looking for tools to support you in bringing your gifts to the world and a place to connect with other women on this soulpreneur journey, I invite you to join my Facebook Group: The Sisterhood of Women Soulpreneurs.


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Come back home to stillness with The Return to Center Practice.


Hi! I'm Cheryl Kane, a highly intuitive spiritual life coach who helps spiritual woman who have realized they're meant for something more build a bridge from where they are now to where they want to be.

Gently & clearly, I guide you on how to let go of the things that are holding you back so you can bring your gifts to the world.

I believe that as woman soulpreneurs, being of service to others is our healing journey; and if we choose to embrace our journey, the gifts we need to support us are waiting along the way.

Curious about what we might accomplish together? Click here to learn more.

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