Inner Peace
Losing the Connection
One of the biggest casualties from a toxic relationship is our connection with our sense of self. You become disconnected from your center and no longer operating from who you truly are on the inside. Instead, you are operating from a place of fear and scarcity; easily overwhelmed, unable to relax and simply be. You go to bed exhausted, wondering where the day went, and struggle to get a good night’s sleep.
This is such an exhausting place to be! In the morning you summon all your warrior strength, shoving down the exhaustion and anxiety just so you can function — and perpetuate the cycle.
Breaking the Cycle
We all have a place of calm stillness inside us called our heart center; the place of our authentic self. We carry it with us always and it is the source of our connection to self. By developing the practices that support coming home to our heart center, we can begin to reset our energetic body and no longer struggle to be present. Coming "home" becomes our sanctuary.
Coming Back Home to You
Together we will help you return to your authenticity while at the same time resetting your energetic body so that you can:
Find the calm in any storm
Feel more at ease and able to just sit and be with yourself
Be more present in your body and with your life
You will be able to slow down on the inside and have the energy & motivation to do the things you love.
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with Cheryl Kane
How to silence the voices of self-doubt & fear you so can grow a soul-based business and confidently bring your gifts to the world.
You're a spiritual woman who's realized your meant for something more. You're learning all the different ways to get your message out so your ideal clients can find you, and you're ready to live your life's purpose.
You want to:​
Earn a living through meaningful work helping others transform their lives.
Create a life for yourself that is in alignment with who you really are.
Use your voice to share your message so that others can benefit from what you've learned.
Step out of the life you’re living into the unlived life within you.
The only thing standing in your way?
Resistance & Fear
"Most of us have two lives: the life we live and the unlived life within us.
Between the two stands Resistance."
Steven Pressfield from "The War of Art"
You know in your being that you're meant for something more, but a part of you is terrified to actually step into your calling.
You think about "going live" and the fear of not being good enough often stops you in your tracks.
The thought of client-getting activities often leaves you feeling overwhelmed. As a result, you're not filling your calendar with consults or paid sessions.
At the same time...
You're ready to own your voice and step into your power.
You're excited to shine your light and be a transformational leader for others.
You’re determined to let go of what's holding you back so you can confidently bring your gifts to the world.
So often, our fear of failure keeps us from succeeding. A Warrior of the Heart embraces failures, mistakes, and mishaps as fabulous learning experiences. Mistakes are the best invitation for harnessing your buried creativity. If you can face each mistake as part of a larger game,
you’ll discover the joy of “try again!”
- HeatherAsh Amara, author - The Warrior Heart Practice
Do any of these sound familiar?
You're worried you won't be able to deliver on what your clients need.
You're afraid no one will like what you're offering or resonate with your message.
You wonder why you can't just let go of the fear so you can do what you were born to do.
Hi! I'm Cheryl Kane. As a certified Warrior Heart Coach, I support spiritual women who are wanting to grow a soul-based business but struggle with nagging self-doubt and paralyzing fear around being visible & using their voice. I help them connect to their own inner-knowing and align with their true nature so they can confidently bring their gifts into the world.
I'll help you turn courageously towards your self-doubt and fear so you can identify the false belief that is holding you back. You'll learn how to connect with your heart's wisdom so you can anchor into what's actually true.
You'll also learn how to harness the power of creative intent so you can begin the sacred work of coming back home to who you truly are and confidently step into your soul's purpose.
When we're done, you will have more confidence and feel more comfortable around moving ahead and using your voice. You will feel more deeply connected to what you know to be true and feel empowered with clear intent to support you as you step into your power and do what you were born to do.
As a direct result of this coaching package you will:
Feel more grounded and certain of your place in the world so you can move forward with confidence and clarity.
Be more comfortable using your voice and sharing your message so your ideal clients know you’re here to help them.
Know how to anchor to the truth to dispel doubts and fear so you can do what it takes to grow your soul-based business.
This coaching package includes:
Part 1: Remembering the Connection
Within a couple of hours of signing up, you will receive a Welcome Email from me that includes a link to your 1st step in this program. This video, "Remembering the Connection", explores an important framework for working through our self-doubt and releasing false beliefs.
Taking the time to watch this video will lay the foundations so you can get the most benefit from your session. It also frees up our time together to focus on you.
Part 2: Your Warrior Heart Session
During this 60-90 minute, one-on-one session, I will guide you through a gentle practice to help you forge a bond with your inner-knowing so you can connect with your deepest truth. You will feel held and supported while you explore the emotions & stories connected with self-doubt so you can unearth the false belief that's causing so much fear.
Lastly, you will use this new-found connection to your intuitive heart to identify what quality will best support you as you continue the sacred work of clearing out the false belief. When we're done, you will feel more confident and empowered to use your voice, share your message, and do the things you need to do create the life you want to live.
Part 3: Becoming a Warrior of the Heart
Identify the core strategy holding your false belief(s) in place so you can release the patterns and behaviors keeping you stuck. You will also learn ways to unwind from this core strategy so you can deepen your connection with your authentic self to stay grounded in the calling of your heart.
Lastly, you will learn a simple trick for applying your new knowledge so you can feel more confident and empowered to navigate the fear and uncertainty of growing a soul-based business.
Part 4: Checking In/Follow-Up
At the end of your session, we'll schedule a follow-up call for 1 week later to see how you're doing and answer any questions around core strategies and using the Warrior Heart Practice on your own.
You will also receive a worksheet to support you in doing the practice on your own and access to the recording of your Warrior Heart Session.
You can finally chase away self-doubt and step into your power.
Are you ready to get started?
Click here to find out how.
Are you ready to get started?
Click here to find out how.
Are you interested in working with me?
Wonderful! Here’s how to get started:
Step 1: Book a 30-minute Connection Call to ask any last questions and sign-up if it feels right to you.
Step 2: If you sign up, within 2 hours you’ll receive the Welcome Email from me within with the video link for Part 1. You will also receive a 2nd email with a link to a short questionnaire for you to complete and return prior to your session.
Step 3: Then we’ll hold your session and get you feeling more confident and empowered to navigate the fears & resistance around owning your voice and stepping into your power.
If you have any questions, reach out through the Contact form or send me a message through the chat bubble.